Last Saturday my family and I decided to go to the zoo and the aquarium and the zoo. Since they were both
coherent to our animal theme.
When Yesenia found out that the tech rooms printer had stopped working due to some uncontrollable defect,
exculpated herself for thinking she had damaged while printing.
Joshi recently broke into the schools cafeteria and was caught on tape and it provided
incontrovertible evidence against him.
Rykeem never feels any kind of
penitence when he farts in front of others.
Dimonque always acts as an
arbiter whenever the class as an undisputed issue we need to resolve due to her great reasoning skills.
Doctor Griffin always treats old traditions here at chinquapin with great
objectivity because he knows that not everybody will want to do what he proposes.
Aby always has
substantiated proof as to why she doesn’t do her homework on Saturdays; church she says.
Luis never feels
contemptuous against teachers that make our tests hard due to our lack of effort; on the other hand he acknowledges that we need to charge our batteries and end the year on a high note.
Marixa was in a
quandary when she was trying to decide which school she would attend in the fall because they all gave her good financial aid packages.
Last Tuesday Tracy had a part at her house but her directions were so
convoluted that I drove all around the city and got lost.
I hate to see people
alienated from other individuals during lunch; it makes me feel like I don’t appreciate my friends enough.
There is a great
disparity between the girls and the boys in the 8th grade class; they never sit together.
I hate people that are overly
opulent when it comes to dressing up at special events.
Susan always makes the end of the year feel so
poignant when she says goodbye for the last time till next fall.
Tianna is a very
effusive speaker; she even burst into tears when she read a poem for us at an event.
Javier farting in front of his teachers was a
flagrant sign of disrespect.
Lauren loves to
embellish all of her clothing with colorful accessories.
Bill speech at the end of the year is always
laudatory; he congratulates the students that have achieved academic awards.
Mr. Lohan is a highly
venerated teacher because he has worked so hard for this school since the early 80s.
Daniela has always thought that her math homework is such a
facile task; she finishes in less than twenty minutes.
Daves test are so
pragmatic; they always related to the reading.
In order for the students to get their 2009-2010 yearbooks their tuition accounts have to be
At Chinquapin student
hierarchy was never established due to the fact that we are all on scholarship.
Seniors at Chinquapin always feel sad when the year is almost over, but the
paramount reason to their sadness is the fact that they are leaving their past seven year home behind.
Since we are seniors it is
incumbent that we show the younger students the best example when it comes to respecting our teachers and doing our work.
I have never
subdued my opinion when it comes to talking about Chinquapin’s traditions.
Daniela always has a strong
conviction on the fact that Bill and Kathy were one of the best directors we could have had here at Chinquapin.
After much debate, the graduation committee came to a
consensus and decided that we would not be walking into the ceremony with our parents.
I hate it when students try and feel
omnipotent when they argue against teachers; they should be spending their time respecting them instead of creating fits.
AP Statistics is quite the
elusive subject; most of my classmates’ grades are in the 80’s range.
Even though I have been at Chinquapin for seven years the time has felt very
transitory; it seems like I’m still in seventh grade and time hasn’t passed.
I hate when my teachers write
superfluous comments on my report cards that have no meaning.
My mother has
endured a lot of hardships over the years as a single mother.
Since Chinquapin is a boarding school for boys it is easier to form strong bonds of
camaraderie since you see your friends almost one hundred percent of the time.
Rykeem is a very
cordial individual; he is always opening doors for people and saying good morning to everyone.
I cant help but to feel
melancholic when I think about my last days here at Chinquapin.
We are very lucky to have such an
aesthetically pleasing campus.
Yesenia admires
contemporary photographers because they take pictures of what’s going on now she hates old-fashioned photography.
Alissa used to have a very
eclectic style; she would sometimes wear cowboy boots with a plaid skirt.
Marcell is one of the most
modest individuals you will ever meet; she has never complained or made a face to anyone before.
Some girls at our school love to
vilify their rivals but everyone knows that its just out of spite.
Students that
disparage their classmates’ work deserve to get a detention because one should never speak negatively about somebody else’s work.
I get a bit down when the teachers think that some of my classmates are just a bunch of
ingrates that never appreciate the school.
I detest the
austere appearance of the upper school dorms; they need to add some color on those walls!
Susan never accepts
mediocre work from her students in Ap English.
Life at Chinquapin is everything but
mundane; there is always something to do here on campus.
I really enjoy having
frank friends who aren’t afraid to tell me the truth even if it hurts.
I consider myself to be a
novice when it comes to playing tennis here at Chinquapin.
I always behave in such a
serene way when I disagree with a teacher; I never loose my cool.
Insolent children are always mouthing off to their parents; its very frustrating and disrespectful.
Around here the windows 98 computers have become
obsolete; we only use the iMacs now.
I like using
hackneyed clay in ceramics because its easier to manage.
Kathy always said that certain berries in the nature trail were
toxic but I never believed her until I got poised.
It was clear that Robertino was acting with
malice when he put a banana peal in the middle of the gym so someone would slip.
Never in the history of Chinquapin has there ever been a
heinous crime committed against a teacher or a student.
Ajani tries not to feed us
putrid food items because he cares about our health and it would just be awful.
Ivan has been described as
brusque because he really doesn’t take the time to talk to people.
Students sometimes
discredit the true pureness of a teacher; they shouldn’t because the teachers must love their jobs if they’re doing them.
Mr. Dilworth is very though on
plagiarism he believes you should create your own work; if you commit the offense you can be suspended.
Mr. Lohan enjoyed his
transient lifestyle; he would go back and forth to Chinquapin like no other.
I have
inherited my mothers eyes; I could not be more proud.
I believe I was born with the
innate ability to play tennis.
Some classmates of mine are
inveterate liars; they lie about everything.
There are different
perspectives here at Chinquapin about the dress code.
I have the
perception that most of my classmates will pass the AP English test because we have been working really hard this past year.
Since I have a nice camera, people have the
misconception that I am rich even though it took me an entire summer to buy it.
Teachers have the
impression that I am upset when I am quiet in class, the truth is that I'm just tired.
I love when people give their opinion without being
Today in ceramics, Evelyn told us we had to create a work
derived from an artist we liked.
I remember when I lacked the
tenacity to stand up for myself until I punched Dijon in the face.
I tend to
assimilate what people say too much, get in trouble for it.
I hate it when teachers make
equivocate statements that never really have a side.
Mr Lohan's dog is so
wily because he stands up to everything and everyone and defends the people he loves.
Hypocrisy is always present when someone doesn't do what they stand up for.
The speeches for the SLC president are always
disingenuous because they lead the listener to believe one thing when they mean another.
The class of 2010 is
cohesive because they always stick together because of all the trips and experiences they've shared together.
I love to
emphasize when my classmates make a grammar mistake because I make them all the time.
rhetoric of President Barak Obama is one of the many reasons why many people support him.
The burr is supposed to give us an opportunity to
discourse through political articles.
The administration of Cesar Larraga was very non
dictatorial because he always listened to what people had to say.
I felt
disdain for people who failed Jeremy Holman's biology tests.
I hate when teachers speak to students in a
patronizing manner.
Having Mario as a roommate is very
imperious because he is very messy and bossy.
Certain teachers show
auspicious treatment to their favorite students.
Certain students have a
rancorous relationship with certain teachers due to squabbles that they've had in the past.
There was great
enmity between two people in the seventh-grade class that they had to cancel the class trip and solve the problems.
The class clown was very
notorious because he always made everybody laugh all over the school.
Andres knew that it was
reprehensible of him to skip five breakfast detentions to go and party but he still did it anyway.
The school witch has a
premonition about the essay question on the SAT; she was right about it being about greek mythology.
Houston has a very
arid climate; I hate how dry it gets in the summer.
I have heard that in California there are
conflagrations in the forests that make people leave their homes due to the danger they have to experience.
unnascentt baby is still calmly resting in her whom.
During creativity week the cardboard furniture group provided a very
innovative way to creative useful cheap furniture.
Rykeem has a
prodigious loving attitude, one that he shares with the entire school.
Daniela has an
exemplary resume; she has participated in more than twenty community service projects!
There are tons of
nocturnal owls around the Chinquapin campus at night.
Karen wrote an
apology to Kay Bee in witch she justified why she had kissed her boyfriend in-front of her.
David Tell loved to
gesticulate when he talked; he said it provided a better understanding to his point.
The raccoon that came on campus the other day was very pernicious; he wanted to cause harm to everything he saw.
I hate algebra because I feel it is a very
theoretical math that we aren't going to apply to real life.
I approached Bill with
trepidation because I never know if he is going to give me whatever it is that I am asking for.